Grape tomatoes are both sweet and robust. They offer a perfect balance of sweetness and acidity with a higher concentration of flavor compared to larger tomatoes. Grape tomatoes are incredibly versatile in the kitchen. Due to their small size, they are perfect for snacking, adding to salads, or using as a garnish. They hold their shape well when cooked, making them suitable for roasting, grilling, or sautéing.
GROWING - All of our fresh produce is non-GMO, grown hydroponically and year-round in greenhouses with natural light, and never exposed to harsh chemicals to provide clean, highly nutritious, and delicious produce. Our strict standards of responsible, sustainable, and regenerative farming include conservation (water, electricity, etc.), organic pest management only (beneficial insects, OMRI-certified products, etc.), and land management.
HARVESTING – Our tomatoes are vine-ripen and picked after reaching their full flavor (at least 50% pink AKA “breakers”). Most commercially grown tomatoes available in grocery stores are harvested green to withstand shipping and storage and are ripened later which impacts their flavor.
STORING – The best way to store tomatoes is with no stems, sitting on a flat surface (e.g., large plate) stem side down, and at room temperature. Never store tomatoes in a refrigerator and keep them out of direct sunlight. A good way to speed-ripen tomatoes is by putting them in a bag with bananas.
NUTRITION – Tomatoes are an excellent source of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C, potassium, and lycopene (known for its antioxidant properties). Tomatoes are also low in calories and high in fiber, making them a healthy addition to any diet.